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Quality admissions advice. None of the noise. 100% free.

Turning MBA Application Challenges into Success...

An Admit Advantage executive team member will review several case studies of...

Branding Checklist

Make sure your graduate school admissions brand is as good as you think it is....

Identifying Weaknesses — Factors to Consider

From the obvious to the obscure, this article covers a dozen candidate...

An Introduction to Brand

Throughout the whole application process, your personal and professional brands...

What Are My Weaknesses?

Even after significant introspection, many candidates struggle to identify...

How to Utilize Your Admissions Brand

See how your brand can be applied to each application section, including...

Let's Take Inventory! Identifying Your Assets

Depending on the type of program you're applying for, there may be a number of...

What is an Admissions Brand?

Fundamentally, a brand is built to differentiate something, and in admissions,...

Proactive Ways to Address & Mitigate Weaknesses

This video details the most common weaknesses found in graduate school...

How to Build An Admissions Brand

So far we've covered what a brand is and why it's important, but how do you...

How to Identify and Optimize Your Assets

There's more to optimizing your application than addressing your weaknesses....

Build Your Brand Template

Use this template to brainstorm possible character traits, find great stories,...