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The Struggle Bus: How to Master the Waiting Game of College Acceptance |

Written by Kofi Kankam | Aug 8, 2018 4:00:00 AM

It’s already March of this year, and by now most of your applications are in. You’ve already refreshed your email three times today (including spam), and this morning you practically threw the postman off your porch with anticipation of your acceptance letters. No piece of college correspondence has gone unopened, unturned.  

The good news is: you’re not alone! For students all over the world, the waiting game has begun. And, yes, it feels like an eternity between submission and acceptance to your dream school–but we can assure you the good news is worth the wait. Here are four ways to master the waiting game of college acceptance.

1. Find a new obsession.

Sure, it’s easy to obsess over college acceptance letters, but worrying about it won’t make the time pass faster. Distract yourself by finding a new obsession like yoga, underwater basket weaving, spoken word poetry or blogging. It’s important to spend time investing in activities that will build your self confidence. Who knows–you could discover something entirely new about yourself.

When current Ohio University student Ann Jacob was waiting to hear from colleges, she adopted a penchant for perfecting her buffalo chicken dip recipe. Not only did she occupy her time doing something she loved, she admits that, “it kept me from obsessing about where I’d be attending in fall.”

As for me personally, I buried myself in my role as Mrs. Peterson in Bye Bye Birdie, my high school musical. No, I wasn’t nominated for a Tony award, but it was still worth it. By the time I got my acceptance letter to Ohio University it was already opening night.

2. Relax – but seriously, Relax.

We know, we know, this word has probably disappeared from your vocabulary entirely by this point.

But you’ve put a lot of energy towards writing essays and supplements, studying for standardized tests, and submitting your applications. It’s time to take a break–give yourself some credit for a job well done. Go to the movies, catch up on your Netflix queue, cook dinner with friends and maybe take a nap every once and awhile. Take some time for yourself to relax and recuperate. You’re almost done!

3. Send Thank You’s to the Squad.

Take this time to thank those who’ve written you recommendations and given you valuable advice. It takes a lot of time to craft a solid recommendation letter, so showing gratitude for their hard work will keep you on top of their favorites list. Who knows, their kind words could have been a deciding factor in your admittance!

So write your teachers, guidance counselors, mentors and parents a handwritten thank you to show them how much you appreciate their kind words and encouragement throughout the process.

If you weren’t aware, expressing gratitude will also make you happier (like Leo when he finally won his Oscar’s).

4. Keep up those great grades!

Admissions counselors love to see upward trends in grades while deciding admittance.

This is not the time to slack off, give up, or fail out (no matter how glamorous it sounds in the moment.) So while other seniors may find excuses to nix the studying, this is the perfect time to even delve deeper into your favorite subjects. Don’t let a small negligence at the end determine your acceptance or denial.

Stay strong ‘till April, applicants! Follow these four steps to master the waiting game of college acceptance. You can do it. (It’s going to be OK, I promise!)