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Round 2 MBA deadlines – it’s a race to the finish! |

Written by Eric Allen | Apr 14, 2016 4:00:00 AM

Fall leaves, brisk air and round 2 deadlines are upon us…at least here in New York. Early November is about the time for MBA applicants to put up or shut up! Many of you have been toying with the idea of applying for many months now. You may have told your friends, probably blown through a few calendar reminders and maybe even started an essay or two, but now it’s crunch time. The holidays are coming soon and the deadlines loom right around the corner.

Here’s the key — don’t panic but be deliberate. You still have plenty of time to submit 5-8 solid MBA applications before most major deadlines. Here are a few key tips to consider if you’re planning to apply in the Round 2 MBA application cycle:

     - Take Action: Get started now. I mean now. Tonight. No better time than the present to work on your MBA applications
     - Strategize: Put together a game plan. Piece together a realistic schedule factoring in work, applications, and other obligations (friends optional). If you’re having fun over these next few months, you’re likely not working hard enough! It likely to be painful.
     - No Snooze Button: Stick to the game plan. Hold yourself accountable for deadlines and catch-up if you miss them.
     - Be realistic: If you can’t make it this year, no problem, but don’t find yourself in the same predicament next MBA application season. Put together a plan that will mitigate weaknesses and put you in a great position for Round 1 MBA application deadlines next year – summer will be here soon enough. We have a pre-application package that can help too.